Gum treatment

Лечение десен в Киеве

The health of the gums and other tissues that surround the tooth (periodontal tissues) is as important as the health of the teeth. More than 50% of all patients, and almost all of  the age of 40 or more, have one or another problem with the gums, but they are in no hurry to consult a dentist and start treatment.

Ignoring problems with the gums leads to the development of periodontal tissue diseases, as a result of which even healthy teeth can be lost. Therefore, it is important to seek qualified help in a time for the prevention and treatment of these diseases.

Gums and other periodontal tissues treatment in the QRD-Dental clinic in Kyiv is provided by an experienced periodontist. The specialist will help eliminate the cause of periodontal tissue inflammation and provide professional advice on the necessary care of the oral cavity to prevent future gum problems.

When treating gums, both a comprehensive approach to the process and careful selection of a doctor and clinic are very important. By contacting QRD-Dental, you can be sure of the high level of professionalism of our specialists, the use of European treatment protocols and the use of modern equipment.

Make an appointment for a consultation with the doctors of our QRD-Dental clinic today, using the communication channel that is convenient for you.

The most common gum disease

As a rule, gum disease develops gradually. One of the first manifestations of inflammation of the gums is bleeding, which itself is already the reason to consult a dentist.

Among the most common diseases of the gums and other periodontal tissues, gingivitis and periodontitis can be distinguished. But such a disease as periodontal disease is very, very rare to hear in our patients.


Gingivitis is an inflammatory process in the gums, which is manifested by swelling of the gums, a change in their shape and bleeding. There may be an unpleasant smell from the oral cavity. However, gingivitis does not usually cause pain, which is the main reason for late visits to the dentist.

There are several forms of gingivitis:

  • Catarrhal;
  • Hypertrophic;
  • Atrophic;
  • Ulcerative-necrotic.

The catarrhal form of gingivitis is most common. The main reason for development of this form is insufficient and/or incorrect individual oral hygiene and non-regular professional oral hygiene.


Periodontitis is an infectious-inflammatory and multifactorial disease of the tissues surrounding the tooth and is manifested by:

  • swelling and bleeding gums,
  • destruction of the alveolar process (bones where the teeth are located),
  • aesthetic disorders (exposure of the surface of the root of the teeth, the appearance of black triangles between the teeth),
  • increased sensitivity of the teeth,
  • unpleasant smell from the oral cavity,
  • the appearance of wedge-shaped defects on the surface of the roots of the teeth,
  • the occurrence of tooth mobility, which may lead to their loss in the future.

However, with periodontitis, there may be no pain in the gums, which is the main reason for late visits to the dentist. The main cause of periodontitis is the presence of dental plaque (soft and hard), which occurs as a result of insufficient oral hygiene and the lack of regular professional oral hygiene. It occurs due to the lack of treatment of gingivitis.

Periodontal disease

Dystrophic periodontal disease is called periodontal disease. During its development, the tissues surrounding the tooth are gradually destroyed, exposing the surfaces of the tooth roots. The slow destruction of periodontal tissues can lead to tooth loss.

Periodontal disease is a non-inflammatory gum disease that occurs quite rarely. Its causes mainly include genetic predisposition and systemic disorders in the body.

Periodontal disease is often mistakenly called periodontitis, but these are different diseases. Most people develop periodontitis.

Сonsulting doctors

Methods of treating gums and other periodontal tissues

Лечение десен

Treatment of gingivitis involves professional oral hygiene, elimination of irritating factors and learning to provide proper personal oral hygiene at home. Also, a very important factor in the health of the gums and the entire oral cavity is regular preventive examinations at the dentist and regular professional oral hygiene.

Treatment of periodontitis is a more complex task and requires a comprehensive approach. In addition to the measures carried out during the treatment of gingivitis, non-surgical removal of subgingival dental deposits, surgical treatment, correction of concomitant factors that affect the progression of the disease, and in difficult cases complex rehabilitation to restore chewing function and aesthetics are used. It is important to have regular preventive examinations at a dentist-periodontist and to carry out the necessary medical manipulations.

Injection treatment

Treatment of diseases of the gums and other periodontal tissues by injections with various drugs used to be quite common earlier. However, it should be noted that according to modern protocols for the treatment of periodontal tissues, this method is not used.

Surgical treatment of gums

If non-surgical treatment does not help any more, it is necessary to resort to surgical methods. Periodontal operations are aimed at removing subgingival dental deposits, relieving inflammation, restoring the volume of bone tissue, improving access for individual oral hygiene, improving aesthetics, etc.

A periodontist-dentist will help to choose the necessary method of treatment of gums and other periodontal tissues after examination and diagnosis.

The price of gum treatment at QRD-Dental
Цена лечения десен в клинке QRD-Dental

The price of the gum treatment service at the QRD-Dental clinic may vary depending on the severity of the situation and the chosen therapy. To begin with, it is necessary to conduct an examination and choose a method of further treatment, after which the exact cost of future manipulations can be formed.

You can get more detailed information about the prices of the procedures on the price page of the website or by phone.

If you have any questions, contact us in any convenient way from those offered on the website and we will be happy to provide all the necessary information.

The author of the article
Anastasiya Borisovna Harbar


Work experience 3 years

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