Braces in Kyiv
Installation of braces in the QRD-Dental Clinic

In the QRD Dental clinic, you will receive high-quality and professional treatment with braces. We work only with proven suppliers of bracket systems. The procedure is carried out by an experienced orthodontist who guides the patient throughout the entire period, making corrections as necessary.
By contacting the QRD dental clinic, you will undoubtedly appreciate the advantages of orthodontic treatment with us, namely:
- A complex approach. The treatment plan is developed with specialists from different fields to achieve maximum effect.
- Modern diagnostic and treatment equipment allows for high-quality therapy at any stage.
- A wide range of bracket systems is available for installation.
- Compliance with world treatment protocols
- Affordable cost
- A guarantee for the treatment provided that the patient complies with all the recommendations of the attending physician
Stages of braces installation

- The first step is always diagnosis. Then, the orthodontist will examine and assess the condition of the dentition. In most cases, X-ray or computed tomography is prescribed, consultation with an orthopedist and gnatologist to determine the condition of muscles and joints, and diagnostic models of dentition are also made.
Based on the data obtained, a treatment plan is developed, and the device design is calculated.
- Before installing braces, the oral cavity must be sanitized without fail. It is first necessary to cure caries and other diseases if any are found.
Surgery may also be required – tooth extraction, frenulum trimming, etc.
- The next stage is the installation and treatment of braces. Then, based on the obtained diagnostic data, the design of the orthodontic apparatus is determined, and the mounts are fixed.
Once every 4-6 weeks, the patient visits the orthodontist for observation and correction throughout the entire treatment period, lasting from 6 to 24 months.
- The stage is vital, or retention. At this stage, it is necessary to consolidate the result. For this, fixed and removable retainers are used – orthodontic structures that improve the teeth in the position they acquired after treatment and do not allow them to return to their original work. Retainers are removable (mouthguards) and non-removable. The orthodontist determines the type of retainer according to indications. The retention phase is usually twice as long as the active treatment phase.

The result of treatment directly depends not only on the orthodontist’s qualifications but also on the discipline of the patient, whose task is to strictly follow all the recommendations and visit a specialist in a timely manner for correction.
Types of braces
Not long ago, wearing braces was associated with a metal jaw and adolescence. However, today there is a large selection of systems that are practically invisible on the teeth and, at the same time, perfectly perform their function. The following types of braces are available in our clinic:
Metal braces have been used in orthodontics for more than 85 years and remain the most durable, effective and affordable among all existing mounts.
Lower cost and shorter wearing period make patients prefer this type of braces. However, although the mountings have become smaller today, they are still visible on the teeth. Therefore, if you are concerned about the aesthetic aspect, you must choose between other braces.
Ceramic braces have an aesthetic advantage over their metal counterparts. The ceramic braces’ colour matches the colour of the enamel. The arch on which the braces are attached is painted white. That makes them almost invisible on the teeth.
However, they are more fragile, require special care, and are more complex than all other species.
The cost of ceramic braces is higher than metal braces but not as high as sapphire ones, making them the best option for those who care about the aesthetic side but do not have large budgets.
Sapphire braces are the most expensive option in terms of cost and, like ceramic braces, require special care. However, they are stronger than ceramic, transparent, resistant to high loads and maximally aesthetic.
When choosing sapphire braces, you must be prepared to forego some products to avoid staining them. You must also be prepared to use a mono-bundle toothbrush and dental floss to care for your teeth. In some cases, a doctor may recommend an irrigator.
Self-ligating bracket systems are also called non-ligating brackets. These include brackets systems In-Ovation, Smartclip, Damon, Pitts and others. They do not require additional fasteners since they are already contained in the locks themselves – braces. This more modernized brace is easier to install and less likely to require correction. In conventional braces, the doctor spends most of his time on ligatures, and the need to replace ligatures requires more frequent visits to the orthodontist.
Lingual braces are a different type of completely invisible braces that are attached to the inner surface of the teeth and are effective in correcting a deep bite. However, the installation of lingual braces is quite expensive due to the complex design.
How much does it cost to get braces?

To accurately answer the question about the cost of installing braces, you need to familiarize yourself with the clinical picture of each patient. Then, based on the examination data and additional examination methods, the dentist-orthodontist will draw up a treatment regimen and select the best option, taking into account the jaw condition and the patient’s wishes regarding the preferred type of braces.
The cost of installing a turnkey bracket system will also include the cost of diagnostic procedures and preliminary dental treatment, and professional hygiene if caries or tartar is found during the examination.
In the “Prices” section of the clinic’s website, you can see the prices for orthodontic services and find out the cost of different types of braces. If you have any additional questions, or you want to get a consultation with an orthodontist, contact us at the number that is presented on the site, and the administrator will provide you with all the necessary information, as well as select a convenient appointment time.
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