Preparation and installation of aligners
Before proceeding directly to the installation of aligners, it is necessary to undergo a planned consultation with the involvement of a dentist, a gnathologist and, of course, an orthodontist.
The dentist will examine the condition of the teeth and mouth. The presence of caries, gum inflammation, plaque and tartar are temporary contraindications for bite correction with aligners. If one of the above problems exists, then the dentist will help to eliminate it and prepare the oral cavity for orthodontic treatment.
A consultation with a gnathologist is essential for a successful alignment, since it is the gnathologist who conducts the orthodontic treatment of patients. This is a rather complex and serious process, in which it is necessary to correctly set the ratio of the temporomandibular joints and form a bite.
Further, as mentioned above, a digital treatment plan is put down and if the expected result suits the patient, the orthodontist proceeds directly to the installation of aligners.
After completing the course of orthodontic treatment, the patient can contact the orthopedic dentist to restore the aesthetics of the smile, if necessary. Usually, this problem is solved by installing ceramic veneers.
Contraindications to the installation of aligners
We have already mentioned temporary contraindications to the installation of aligners. There are also a number of contraindications, in which the alignment of the teeth is carried out in an alternative way, or it is not possible at all.
Aligners are not used in the treatment of complex orthodontic defects. In this case, the council of specialists decides whether it is possible to treat with braces, or other options are selected, for example, partial removal of teeth with subsequent prosthetics.
The presence of severe neurological, immunological, or mental illness is an absolute contraindication for orthodontic treatment.

Prices for the installation of aligners on a turn-key basis
The prices for the installation of aligners on a turn-key basis depend on many factors. In order to understand the final cost of teeth straightening with orthodontic aligners, it is necessary to undergo an examination and draw up a digital treatment protocol.
The final price will include medical procedures for preparing the oral cavity for the installation of aligners, the cost of consulting by specialists, the cost of manufacturing a mouthguard, taking into account the number of aligners required.
You can get more detailed information on prices and procedures by contacting the clinic. Call the number that you see on the website and sign up for the QRD Dental clinic at a time convenient for you.