Treatment services by a gnatologist in Kiev
A professional gnatologist at QRD Dental can help cure inflammatory diseases such as arthritis or arthrosis. If the jaw, which is called “jammed,” then the gnatologist will help to cope with dislocations and subluxations of the jaw joint.
In addition, our specialist is able to completely reconstruct the patient’s oral cavity in accordance with the correct anatomical position. As a result of treatment by a gnatologist, you will forget about constantly falling fillings, a “crunch” or pain when chewing. The joy of communicating with others and enjoying food will return to you. Call us now to make an appointment!
Why is a gnatologist needed?
To understand the role of the gnatologist in modern dentistry, we give a few cases from life. For example, the patient often falls out or breaks off fillings. And no matter where he goes, no matter what dentist takes on his teeth, whatever high-quality materials are used, the situation repeats all the time. The reason for this, most likely, is the anatomical features of the structure of the patient’s jaws. And in this case, the consultation of the gnatologist is the first and most important step to start the right treatment.
Quite often, patients also deal with the problem of “crunching” when chewing or aching pain in the masticatory muscles. In such cases, obtaining the advice of a gnatologist and completing the full course of treatment is a clear necessity. It is impossible to delay the solution of the problems that have arisen, because this can only lead to a deterioration in the patient’s condition. Urgently call QRD Dental dentistry and make an appointment with a gnatologist.
Involuntary restrictions on the movements of the jaw, pain in the jaw joint and other problems that arise when chewing are all cases that a gnatologist should consider. Kiev, nearby cities, towns and micro-districts (Sofievskaya Borshchagovka, Petropavlovskaya Borshchagovka, Vishnevoe, Boyarka, Gatne, Tarasovka, Kryukovshchina, Akademgorodo, Medgorodok and others) can use the services of a gnatologist in QRD Dental dentistry. Just call us or leave a request on the site!

A professional gnathologist helps to solve the problem of dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint, as well as identified abnormalities and pathologies of the jaw. Among the services provided by this specialist – the treatment of inflammatory diseases – such as arthritis or osteoarthritis.
If the jaw, called a “jam”, the gnathologist will help to cope with dislocations and subdislocations of the jaw joint. In addition, our specialist is able to completely reconstruct the patient’s oral cavity in accordance with the correct anatomical position.
Be sure to see a gnatologist if you experience any of the following symptoms:
- pain and “crunch” when chewing
- incorrect occlusion – closing of the teeth of the upper and lower jaw
- facial asymmetry
- diction disorders
- headache or neck pain of unknown etiology
- toothache in the absence of visible dental problems
- bruxism
- destruction of enamel, frequent loss of fillings or abrasion of teeth
- pain in the ear, temple, not related to ENT diseases
Causes of gnathological disorders
Disorders of the dental system can occur due to both congenital disorders and under the influence of various factors.
For example, after treatment or tooth extraction there is pain when chewing. This is possible if the seal was placed incorrectly, which disrupted the chewing process. Or after the tooth was removed, the position of the other teeth in the row changed.
Injuries to both the jaw and the musculoskeletal system can lead to disturbances in the temporomandibular joint.

Treatment by a gnathologist at the QRD Dental Clinic
Diagnostics of gnathology is an important component of orthopedic dentistry aimed at studying the state of occlusion (bite) and chewing function. It allows you to assess the relationship between the dental system, the musculoskeletal system and the joints that control the movements of the jaws.
Diagnosis by a gnathologist includes a number of methods and procedures for clarifying the state of the bite and identifying possible problems. The main methods of gnathological diagnostics include:
- Clinical examination: The doctor examines the patient, assessing the condition of the teeth, jaws, mucous tissues of the oral cavity, and palpates the joints and muscles of the face. An important part of the clinical examination is the analysis of the bite during jaw movements.
- X-ray examination: X-rays of the jaws allow to assess the state of teeth, bones, joints and their relationship. This helps detect possible abnormalities, including tooth placement, joint condition, presence of bone loss, and more.
- Electromyography (EMG): This method measures the electrical activity of the muscles of the face and jaws. It allows you to evaluate the jaw movements and the functioning of the bite muscles during chewing and other jaw movements.
- Articulation diagnostics: It includes the use of a facial arch and an articulator. The facebow and articulator are devices that help to avoid errors in orientation and occlusion during orthopedic interventions, or even reduce their occurrence. The use of these mechanisms has undoubted advantages. The facebow transmits the position of the upper jaw in relation to the TMJ, and the articulator reproduces the movements of the lower jaw, so the joint work of these devices helps to determine the best place for the placement of the prosthesis or dental structure. This helps the doctor analyze the bite and determine the optimal position of the teeth and prostheses. Failure to use the facebow and articulator for diagnostic purposes may lead to incorrect orthopedic intervention or treatment.
- Computed Tomography (CT): This method provides a three-dimensional image of the structures of the jaws and joints, allowing more accurate detection of abnormalities and determining the optimal treatment plan.
After collecting all the necessary information, the gnathologist can make a diagnosis and develop an individual treatment plan.
The main goal of gnathology diagnostics is to improve the functionality of the chewing apparatus, restore harmony between the skeletal-muscular system and the dental-jaw system, as well as prevent possible complications and problems in the future.
Some problems can be solved in one or two consultations with a gnathologist, in complex cases it may take five to six consultations or more.
For the treatment of gnathological problems, depending on the plan drawn up by the gnathologist, it may be necessary to wear tires or caps, muscle relaxing exercises, if necessary in combination with medical treatment. The doctor may refer you to an orthodontist, recommend prosthetics or implants.
At QRD Dental Clinic we use an integrated approach and teamwork. Our main goal is your healthy smile and the opportunity to live without pain and discomfort.

Feedback from satisfied clients of a gnathologist undoubtedly helps patients to choose a specialist in Kyiv and to trust their doctor to a greater extent. Therefore, on the dentist’s website you have the opportunity not only to read reviews about our gnatologist, but also to write your review to help others form an impression of the specialist before admission.
You can also read reviews about our clinic on Google My Business. Our doctors are one of the best in Kyiv and once you visit us, you will definitely appreciate not only the high qualification, well-coordinated teamwork – the goal of which is to get the best results, but also without a doubt the high standard of service and compassion of our staff.
Call! We will be glad to see you in our clinic.
Cost of dental service
Консультація ортопеда-гнатолога (головного лікаря) 2500,00 грн
Консультація ортопеда-гнатолога 1250,00 грн
Цифрова конділографія (аксіографія)Діагностика та сканування з цифровою дугою Zebris 9800,00 грн
Cad Cam сплінт (Фрезована капа цифрова) 10000 грн
Проектування та програмування дизайну капи + пошук TRP 11000,00 грн
Дуже сподобалась клініка, а особливо гнатолог Валерій Махиня. Від душі рекомендую.
Дякуємо за Ваш відгук.
Висловлюю вдячність лікарю-гнатологу Махині Валерію Валентиновичу за його винятковий підхід до лікування.
Я звернулася з проблемою – нічний скрегіт зубами, моя щелепа постійно була зажата, постійно напружена..
Валерій Валентинович провів професійну діагностику, що мене вразило – деталізація та зрозумілість. Пояснив мені характер проблеми, вказавши на необхідність лікування.
Валерій Валентинович призначив для мене ефективний курс лікування, включаючи використання індивідуально виготовленої капи від бруксизму. Ця капа була надійно встановлена в ротовій порожнині, допомагаючи уникнути пошкоджень зубів і тканин пародонту, зокрема під час сну.
За весь період лікування я відчувала підтримку та уважний підхід з боку всього медичного персоналу, починаючи з адміністратора Наталії))
Я дуже вдячна Валерію Валентиновичу за позбавлення проблеми, високий рівень компетентності та професіоналізм лікарів QRD!