Modern dental prosthetics in Kyiv
Modern dental prosthetics in Kyiv is carried out by dentists of the QRD dental clinic. The need for prosthetics arises when, for any reason, the patient loses one or more teeth.
The integrity of the dentition is very important not only for the pretty smile, but also for the functionality of the jaw as a whole. Loss of a tooth can cause a violation of the chewing function, which can lead to disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as a violation of the correctness of speech.
Thanks to modern technologies, you can easily restore a lost tooth or even a whole row of teeth, because there is a special procedure called dental prosthetics.
In QRD Dental, prosthetics are performed at the highest level. You won’t even feel the difference between a natural tooth and an artificial one.

Dental prosthetics in dentistry QRD Dental
Dental prosthetics belongs to a special area of dentistry – orthopedic, and requires additional specialized knowledge and skills from the dentist. If you are looking for a good orthopedic dentist for dental prosthetics – welcome to QRD dental.
Prosthetics is sometimes almost the only way that allows you to return your smile and restore the full functionality of the jaw. It is not always easy to decide on this procedure. And it’s not so much about the cost, but also about some fears. However, it is important not to delay the visit to the dentist in order to avoid displacement of the teeth in the oral cavity, which may complicate the prosthetics procedure.
Often there are situations when the patient has already decided on the procedure, but is afraid of one thing: whether he will like the end result of dental prosthetics and whether it will be comfortable. QRD dentistry assures that if you contact our specialists, there will definitely be nothing to be afraid of. And that’s why.
QRD Dental Clinic has moved away from the classic, outdated methods, and is practicing more modern methods of dental treatment. Since the 21st century is called the era of technology, our dentistry has decided to keep up with the times and actively use digital devices.
Experienced specialists in the clinic work only with high-quality, proven materials, which are provided with digital protocols. This means that all works can be reproduced on a 3D printer.

Thus, the Patient will be able to see on the screen how his future smile will look after dental prosthetics, and he will also be able to try it on without filing. The dentist will proceed to the next stage only when you are completely satisfied with the result.
In addition, dentists at QRD Dental Clinic carefully consider and calculate every jaw movement. For this, they use special devices – articulators. A plaster cast is applied to them on the upper and lower jaw in order to trace all the movements that it can perform and check the load on the chewing apparatus.
They do this to ensure that the crown fits perfectly without filing, and to understand if the work is chipping. This is how doctors reinsure themselves against poorly performed work.
Types of dental prosthetics, removable prosthetics
Dentures are either removable or non-removable. The removable system allows you to restore the dentition completely, and the fixed system – only the missing teeth. In the latter case, the crown will be firmly fixed, and you will not feel much difference between your own and artificial teeth.
Removable prosthetics
In the case of complete or partial adentia, when it is not possible to use an alternative method of prosthetics and to fix the prosthesis on a rigid base, a removable prosthesis is used.
There are both pros and cons of removable prosthetics. Undoubtedly, the cost of this type of prosthetics differs from the cost of installing implants, however, the risk of “losing the jaw” in public, the peculiarities of taking care of a removable prosthesis and discomfort during habituation – make fixed prosthetics more attractive for the patient.
Conditionally removable prosthetics
Conditionally removable prosthesis is fixed on 6-8 implants with the help of special fasteners, such a design has the ability to be removed if necessary for repair, service or design changes due to the changed conditions in the oral cavity.

Fixed dental prosthetics
Fixed dental prosthetics is the safest method of treatment, because in this case, you can smile and not be afraid that your jaw will fall out.
There are several options for fixed dental prosthetics, each of them is widely used in practice and has both its own characteristics and advantages.
Of course, only a dentist can decide which method to choose for prosthetics. He bases on the state of the oral cavity, the peculiarities of the dentition and the problem with which the patient turned to the clinic.
At QRD dental you can get a consultation and, together with your doctor, draw up a plan to restore the beauty and health of your smile.
In order to acquaint you in more detail with fixed prosthetics, we will tell you about some of its types.

Tab prosthetics
In case of severe damage of the crown part of the tooth, restoring it with a composite filling is not the best solution. When installing the seal, the material is applied in portions, each portion is polymerized, which gives a slight shrinkage.
If the size of the filling is large, the accumulation of shrinkage can lead to chipping of the tooth wall. If the wall is chipped along with the gums, the tooth can still be preserved with the help of prosthetics, but if it is below the level of the gums, the tooth usually needs to be removed.
Therefore, if major updates are required, our clinic proposes to use a ceramic tab instead of a filling. This provides high-quality, durable, flawless aesthetically pleasing results.
Indications for tooth restoration using a tab.
- The presence of large cavities in the teeth (due to caries)
- Loss of up to a third of the volume of the tooth crown
- Replacing old and large fillings
The whole process takes a total of 1.5-3 hours and requires two visits to the doctor. The ceramic inlay is not only stronger, but also much more beautiful than any filling.
Dental crown prosthetics
We have known dental crown prosthetics for a long time. The very first were metal crowns – the very “golden teeth” of our grandmothers. Today, the choice of crowns for prosthetics is much wider.

Whether prosthetics with dental crowns are suitable in each individual case is determined by the doctor, initially assessing the degree of wear of the patient’s dental tissue.
In modern prosthetics with crowns, two types of crowns are used – ceramic crowns and crowns with a metal frame.
Metal-framed crowns are not a bad option for prosthetics. They are durable, attractive in appearance due to the ceramic coating and their price is more affordable. However, when using such crowns, there is a risk of allergy and local reactions to the metal.
Also, when installing such crowns, you have to sharply grind your own tooth.
Ceramic crowns are more popular due to the absence of that very metal frame, and therefore the absence of local reactions.
Ceramic crowns practically do not stand out against the background of other teeth, retain their color for a long time and, due to their hypoallergenicity, there are practically no contraindications.
The peculiarities of ceramics as a material make it possible to create thin crowns and to grind the tooth to a minimum during prosthetics.
Dental prosthetics on implants
Prosthetics on implants allows you to preserve the health of teeth and avoid their preparation, because the prosthesis is attached to “artificial roots” – implants, and do not affect neighbouring teeth. The implant does not differ in aesthetics or functionality from a real tooth.
To carry out fixed prosthetics, the doctor installs 6 or more implants, on which crowns or bridgeworks are then fixed.
Implants can also be used to improve the fixation of a removable prosthesis: in this case, special locks are installed on the implants, which have a corresponding part in the removable prosthesis, due to this, the removable prosthesis holds much better, which contributes to more confident use and improves the quality of chewing food.
Advantages of dental prosthetics on implants:
- preserve healthy neighboring teeth;
- the denture does not visually differ from real teeth;
- the prosthesis has high functionality;
- unlike removable dentures, it does not cause irritation and gum disease;
- does not cause discomfort while eating.
Individual prosthetics
In case of loss of one or several teeth, individual prosthetics are performed, in which each implant “carries” a separate crown. With the help of individual prosthetics, you can restore both one tooth and a whole dentition.

Dental prosthetics price
The price of dental prosthetics at QRD dental will delight you.
The clinic has developed special package offers for prosthetics, you can find out their cost and the included procedures by contacting us in any convenient way from those offered on the website.
In Qrd dentistry, we cooperate with the best dental laboratory in Kyiv to provide your teeth with beauty and functionality for a long time and provide a high-level dental prosthetics service at the most affordable prices.
How to prepare for dental prosthetics
Before you decide on this procedure, you should definitely go to an orthopedic dentist for a consultation. It is completely free at QRD Dental! After that, the doctor will take an X-ray to check the condition of the teeth from the inside.
Before dental prosthetics, it is necessary to cure caries, and undergo hygienic cleaning to remove deposits. The doctor will tell you about the rest individually.

When can dental prosthetics be done
It is possible to restore teeth with this method after 3–6 months from the date of extraction. Everything is very individual and depends only on the characteristics of your oral cavity. In any case, if you decide to do dental prosthetics, you should immediately contact your dentist and make an appointment on time. Do not delay with this case.
Modern dental prosthetics does not create discomfort. QRD Dental dentistry employs specialists who are responsible for the quality of their work. With us, you will definitely receive a guarantee for all services and the result you expect. Be sure to sign up for a consultation with us!
If you have any questions or you are ready to restore your teeth using prosthetics, call us right now. You can also write to us online. We are always happy to help you!
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