Dental filling in Kyiv

Dental filling is one of the services provided in our clinic. Filling is to restore the damaged tooth’s integrity, chewing function, and aesthetic appearance. A tooth filling is also the final stage in treating caries and pulpitis, a preparatory step for orthodontic and gnathological treatment.

Dental clinic QRD Dental in Kyiv specializes in dental treatment using modern digital technologies and compliance with the European protocol. That allows us to carry out dental treatment of varying degrees of complexity and provide a guarantee for the treatment.

Indications for dental fillings may include:

  • caries, pulpitis
  • Loss of old filling
  • Tooth chip or crack
  • Removing an old filling
  • Tooth Sensitivity
  • Bruxism

The dentist fills the tooth after an examination or additional diagnostic procedures, such as X-rays or CT scans. If, in your particular case, root canal treatment is required or ceramic restoration is the best solution, the doctor will inform you and tell you about all the necessary manipulations as clearly as possible.

Benefits of dental fillings at QRD Dental Clinic

Лікування зламаного зуба в QRD Dental

To ensure the effectiveness and safety of the filling procedure, you need to take a responsible approach to choosing a clinic. By contacting us at QRD Dental, you will undoubtedly be able to appreciate the following benefits:

  • Experience and qualifications of dentists. Our clinic has professional dentists with extensive experience in filling teeth.
  • The reputation of the clinic. Our clinic has collected a lot of positive feedback and has regular customers who willingly recommend us to their friends and acquaintances.
  • Use of modern equipment. We use modern equipment and technologies for filling teeth. That has a positive effect on the efficiency and convenience of the procedure.
  • Hygiene and sterilization. The QRD Dental clinic must adhere to high standards of hygiene and sterilization. That ensures safety and prevents the spread of infectious diseases.
  • Availability and pricing policy. The cost of our services is the optimal balance between the price and the quality of the treatment. Of course, we do not serve our patients for free, but our prices are affordable for patients with an average income level.
  • Additional services and consultations. We offer other services or consultations that may be useful to patients—for example, advice on proper dental care and prevention of problems.
Консультуючі лікарі

Stages of filling teeth

Видалення зуба у Києві

The dental filling usually occurs in several stages:

  1. Overview and diagnostics

    The dentist examines the tooth and determines the size and depth of the damage. If necessary, the doctor will refer the patient to an X-ray or CT scan for more precise examination results. Also, the doctor makes a photo fixation of the state of the oral cavity before the start of treatment.

  2. Anesthesia

    Local anesthesia is administered to minimize pain. In some cases, the doctor performs treatment under sedation.

  3. Tooth preparation

    After determining the depth of damage, the tissues affected by caries are excised, and a cavity is formed and dried.

  4. Filling the cavity with filling material

    After preparing the tooth, the dentist fills the cavity with filling material. He applies the material layer by layer, each illuminated by a unique lamp to polymerize and fix it.

  5. Shaping and polishing

    After filling the cavity, the dentist forms a filling, giving it the correct shape and contour suitable for a bite. The tooth is then polished to achieve a smooth and natural look.

  6. Bite check

    After the procedure, the dentist checks the bite to ensure the filling fits the adjacent teeth appropriately and does not cause discomfort.

These are the general steps for filling teeth. However, they may differ depending on the complexity of the injury and the treatment plan. Getting advice from your dentist, who will explain the process in detail and answer any questions, is essential.

The cost of filling teeth

The cost of filling teeth will primarily depend on the depth of damage to the crown part of the tooth and the selected filling material.

In QRD Dental, the cost of filling teeth will be as follows:

Photopolymer filling – initial caries UAH 2,290.00

Photopolymer filling – medium caries UAH 2,890.00

Photopolymer filling – deep caries UAH 3,490.00


Our cases


Dental filling case 1 picture 1

Dental filling case 1 picture 2


Dental filling case 1 picture 3

Dental filling case 1 picture 4


If you want to sign up for a consultation or treatment or ask questions, call us at the number listed on the site, and we will be happy to help you, regardless of the purpose of your request.

The author of the article
Makhinya Valery

Medical director, dentist-orthopedis

Experience 16 years

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