All on 4, all on 6 dental implant technique in Kyiv, Ukraine

Everyone can face the problem of total tooth loss at one age or another. The cause can be both individual characteristics of the body, age-related changes, systemic diseases or the consequences of mechanical injury.

As soon as this happens, the question arises of restoring the chewing function and prosthetics of the jaw. Today, dentistry offers various options for replacing lost teeth.

In order to restore the entire dentition, you choose from prosthetics with a removable prosthesis, prosthetics on implants, or you can give preference to implantation using the all on 4, all on 6 technique.

This procedure allows you to install a fixed prosthesis on 4 or 6 implants, which significantly reduces treatment costs and the recovery period. It also allows you to completely restore lost teeth in one visit to the dentist.

Implantation according to the All-on-4 or All-on-6 protocol takes place in two stages.

At the first stage, the dental surgeon installs four implants, and the orthopedist fixes the temporary prosthesis on the same day.

At the second stage, after 4-6 months, the doctor changes the temporary prosthesis to a permanent one. Thus, the patient does not remain without teeth for a day.

This technique has been widely used in dentistry all over the world for more than 20 years and has successfully restored the teeth of a thousand patients.

Pros and cons of All on 4 implants

Choosing  All on 4 implant surgery, the patient receives a number of advantages:


  • Reducing the cost of prosthetics (since there is no need to put implants to replace each lost tooth)
  • Shorter recovery period and reduction of the area of ​​surgical intervention (all-by-4 all-by-6 prosthetics avoid additional operations, such as sinus lifting and gingival plasty).
  • Carry out prosthetics at one visit to the dentist (not counting the diagnosis and examination of previous operations)
  • Get an aesthetically beautiful smile
  • Reduce hygiene and solid food restrictions immediately after prosthetics.


Features of All on 4 implant technique

Replacing the lost teeth using the All on 4 dental  implant system involves the installation of a fixed or partially removable prosthesis on 4 implants that are implanted in the jaw. Two implants are placed in the anterior section and two more are in the lateral section of the jaw at an angle.

After that, a temporary prosthesis is installed for 10 or 12 teeth, and with All on 6 technique –  for 14 teeth, thus restoring the entire dentition. Later, the temporary prosthesis is replaced with a permanent one.

In order to restore teeth using the All on 4 dental implant system, you need to contact the clinic and undergo a series of procedures:

  • Diagnostics and consultation. It is necessary to assess the volume of the jawbone and make sure that there are no contraindications for this procedure. The doctor may prescribe an x-ray or CT scan in this case.
  • Dental surgery preparation. It is necessary to undergo a series of laboratory examinations, as before any surgical intervention. After evaluating the results, the doctor will set the date of the operation and answer all your questions.
  • In case of a lack of bone tissue in the places of future dental implants, a sinus lifting procedure can be preliminarily performed.
  • The next step is the implant placement. More information about this operation can be found on the “Implantation” page on our website.
  • Immediately after the end of the implantation procedure, a temporary prosthesis can be installed.

Indications and contraindications for All on 4 implantation

The main indication for this procedure is complete adentia – the absence of all teeth. Among other indications is the absence of only the upper or lower dentition, in this case the prosthetics of one jaw is performed. The need to replace a removable denture with a permanent denture may also cause the patient to be interested in all-on-4 dental implant technique.

Sometimes this type of treatment is used when the part of the teeth is missing, and the rest must be removed for medical reasons, for example, due to severe destruction.

Contraindications for all on 4 implantation can be:

  • Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases (the operation must be postponed until recovery)
  • Tuberculosis
  • Diabetes
  • Oncological diseases (implantation can be carried out when complete remission is achieved)
  • Some blood diseases and pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

If there are contraindications, the specialist will give you recommendations, and, if necessary, will select the best alternative solution to your problem.

All on 4 implants at QRD Dental clinic

In the QRD Dental clinic, All on 4 dental implant technique has been carried out for more than a year. We work with implants of such popular companies as Dentist and Shtraument, which allows us to offer our patients an affordable and high-quality implantation option. Additional advantages of implantation with us at QRD Dental are the following:

  • Qualified personnel with experience on the All-on-4 or All-on-6 dental implantation
  • Individual approach to each patient. In our practice, we have faced quite difficult situations, and we have always found the best solutions for our patients.
  • The presence of professionals in different areas  in our dental center allows us to approach the solution of the problem in a comprehensive manner, taking into account all the nuances and necessary procedures. We can carry out even the most complex dental operations on the basis of our dentistry without the involvement of third-party specialists.
  • Modern digital equipment that improves both the quality of diagnostics and the dental procedures themselves
  • A number of successfully performed implantations – our cases perfectly show the competence and professionalism of our doctors
  • Compliance with world treatment protocols and guidelines
  • Using high-quality materials
  • Warranty for the work performed.

Also, after the implantation, the dentists of our clinic are ready to consult the patient at any time in case of discomfort, pain, or if there are any questions. We are in touch 24/7.

All on 4, all on 6 dental implants cost

The cost of all on 4, all on 6 dental implants depends on several factors. They are the number of implants – four or six in each jaw, the material of the frame and the prosthesis itself, as well as its design – fixed or partially removable. The formation of the final cost is influenced by the need for additional procedures such as sinus lifting and gum plastic surgery.


Our cases


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In order to find out the exact cost of prosthetics on 4.6 implants, sign up for a consultation with a dentist in our clinic. The specialist will assess the condition of the oral cavity and draw up a treatment plan, after which he will announce the cost of the treatment.

If you want to sign up for a consultation or ask any questions – call the number that you see on the site. We will be glad to see you in our clinic!

The author of the article
Makhinya Valery

Medical director, dentist-orthopedis

Experience 16 years

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