Pull out a wisdom tooth
Is it possible to tear out a wisdom tooth under general anesthesia
It all depends on your pain threshold! There are a number of reasons why an operation can be performed under general anesthesia. For example, intolerance to general anesthetics, a large amount of work that requires several procedures, high emetic reflex, panic attacks of the patient.
But if you decide tear out a wisdom tooth under general anesthesia, then consider that it is harder to tolerate than others. Before the doctor starts the operation, he must conduct a comprehensive examination.
It is not recommended to use this method of pain relief for those who have anemia, epilepsy, diabetes, asthma, diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular system, as well as during pregnancy, alcohol intoxication.
Pull out a wisdom tooth: consequences
Unfortunately, complications often arise after removing the figure eight, because this is one of the most difficult operations in dentistry.
The extreme teeth are the largest in the jaw of a person; they have from two to five roots. After extraction there will be a wound that will heal in about a few days.
As soon as you tear out a wisdom tooth, the temperature may rise to 37.5, a slight swelling is also possible. If you find other symptoms: it is difficult to swallow food, the temperature rises, the pain intensifies – be sure to consult a doctor.
The door of dentistry QRD Dental is always open for you. Call us now and come for a free consultation!

If the wisdom tooth erupted normally and took the correct position in the tooth row, then it is usually not difficult to remove it if necessary. But there are situations when serious surgical intervention with the use of surgical instruments and boron is required to remove the figure eight.
The most common reasons for performing an atypical extraction will be retention or dystopia of teeth, as well as incomplete extraction, or severe destruction of the figure of eight, when it is no longer possible to cope with forceps and an elevator.
Not every dentist undertakes a complex removal, because it is necessary to carry out a number of difficult manipulations:
- Open access to the wisdom tooth (if necessary, the mucosa and periosteum are dissected)
- Remove the outer bone wall, sometimes the tooth crown is completely sawed off (a drill is used for these manipulations, and sometimes a chisel is used)
- Remove the remaining root with an elevator
Wash the wound with an antiseptic solution to wash away small debris and speed up healing - Sew up the formed hole, having previously filled it with a hemostatic sponge
At QRD Dental, we remove wisdom teeth of any complexity. Our surgeon has all the necessary knowledge and skills, as well as a number of successful cases, which allows us to solve the dental problems of our patients qualitatively and completely painlessly.
Removal of the lower wisdom tooth
Most often, it is the removal of the lower wisdom teeth that is called difficult. The lower jaw bone is denser and more massive, while the roots of the figure eight are located deeper and stronger in it. It is the lower wisdom teeth that can be retined or semi-retined, as well as located outside the dental arch, or in it but incorrectly. In dentistry, this is called dystopia.
The roots of the lower wisdom teeth can be curved, and the teeth themselves are displaced due to improper development. Therefore, in such cases, atypical removal is carried out according to the plan described above.

If you are still looking for a clinic where, in addition to highly qualified employees, you will find a friendly attitude, detailed professional advice, help and support in complex dental cases – QRD Dental is exactly the dentistry you need.
We are constantly developing and “keeping up with the times”. Our doctors have specialized education, the necessary skills for high-quality treatment, which allows us to give a guarantee for the work performed.
Our clinic is equipped with modern digital technology, and this is not a marketing strategy. We work skillfully in the field of digital dentistry, we constantly take advanced training courses to grow and become better for our patients from year to year.
We do our best to ensure that our patients tolerate dental manipulations without pain and fear, and that the treatment is as effective as possible.
Therefore, choosing us for the removal of wisdom teeth, you can no longer be afraid of treatment. Our dentists will remove the eights easily and efficiently, and during the recovery period, the doctor will always be in touch and answer any questions you may have.
The price of wisdom teeth removal
If you have planned or urgent wisdom teeth removal, contact us at QRD Dental. We guarantee you quality treatment at an affordable price!
The price of wisdom teeth removal may vary depending on the complexity. You can find out the estimated cost on the “Prices” page of our website. And the dentist will be able to accurately calculate the cost after an examination and the results of an X-ray or CT scan.
I would like to note that the low cost of removing the figure of eight is always alarming and immediately calls into question the competence of the specialist who performs the procedure. After all, the price always depends both on the consumables used by the doctor and on the qualifications of the dentist and surgeon.
If you need scheduled or urgent wisdom teeth removal, contact us at QRD Dental. We guarantee you quality treatment at an affordable price!
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